Ocean of Jade - Generation One, Chapter Four
"Yes, I know Papa, but you should come out for a visit, get to know him before you have such words about him." Aesleng stated to her father while on the phone on a hot, sunday afternoon. The sun was pouring through the windows as Aesleng paced her small living room floor. "That's all I'm going to say about it, Papa, get to know him first. He's a good guy." Her father and she continue to talk, but, finally let the subject die down, before he had to get ready to go to work and the two of them hung up with one another.
Ocean of Jade - Generation One, Chapter Three
The Life of Lancer Lum - Chapter 1
Ocean of Jade - Generation One, Chapter Two
Ocean of Jade - Generation One, Chapter One
My first day back in Cala Blanca and it hasn't changed a bit from its small town charm, and beautiful villas that I remember when my father use to bring me here. One time in particular, there was a west wind coming from the coast line while we walked hand in hand to the near by park at where we had been staying. It was the first time we had been back in Cala Blanca after my mother died from a horrible illness. Father thought it was best for the both of us if we enjoyed our time together, and tried to continue living, just like mother wanted us too. That was ten years ago.
Armando's daily life. - Legacy Challenge.
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This is Armando |
As you can see, mine wasn't as bad as Xinaed's but, he was definitely still ugly as his eyes are all out of wack, as well as he has a really monkey/piggish face, can't really see it with his glasses on, but, he is ridiculous looking without them. I'll have to remember to take a screenie of that the next time I actually feel up to playing him. I could have gone completely out on him, and made him as hideous as I could have, but at the same time I wanted it to be as realistic as well, if he was a real person. It seems as if I've made him almost as if he was born with birth defects or some syndrome, but, I don't know just yet. He's just ugly. lol.
The Tretheway Legacy; Alphonso the Birdman - Day 1
My Turn
Been a long while, I know.
Even longer since I’ve actually played Wizard and enjoyed it. Yes, I still love the game, but I’m kind of burned out. So, in the mean while, been playing other games such as the Sims, and or random facebook games here and there. Basically anything to occupy my time. Don’t really have much to comment on. Last time Z and I played wizard, we got the dream team about 1/3 the way through Mooshu. Maybe today I can convince Z to play for a couple hours.
It really depends on whether or not our computers can handle it. Being that it is summer, there is a large amount of wizards on the game at once. Causing those of us with basic dsl hookups to be left in the dust. Even in the wee hours of the night, we barely can find a time where it takes a minimum of 15 minutes running from point A to point B, when normally it would take 2-3 minutes, easily.
Hence, our newfound boredom with the game. It’s not the .games. fault, but the fact that KI still hasn’t added in subscriber only realms, or even added more realms. So, the sub that we just bought for two of our accts, two weeks ago, was a waste. Since we’ve only played a few hours since then.
Have no idea what is going on with the rest of the twizard bunch, as I can’t load my twitter page. And I used to use tweetdeck, but even that freezes me up. Haven’t checked many blogs lately. It’s kind of upsetting reading/seeing all this stuff others are posting, when I’m not able to join in the fun. So.. just thought I would post saying Hi to all our readers. We are still here, and alive.
Just not in game much.
Hope all of you are having fun, and continue to do so.
How rare is your rare?
Wintertusk, Crab Alley, Krokosphinx and more
100th post.
Alright, now for the actual post:
Short post; Stay safe!
Preparing the animals, preparing food, water, packing up important documents, and possibly even, haven't decided yet, putting our computers away for safe keeping.
We hope everyone, whether you are reading this or not, whether you play wizard101 or not, every life stays safe, during these severe storms. We pray for those affected, and are praying for those who have family, friends, loved ones affected, or those who might be affected. Basically, we are praying.
Troubles with the Test Realm.
When we finally got home and could access the internet we started to patch the test realm and it took me forever. Longer than it did for X but thats typical for me. >.< Once in I couldn't move anywhere and neither could he. We had to redownload every thing once again. Not just the new content. So, while trying to do all the downloading, we leveled up a pet with mega snacks and loaded our main houses. Still wasn't done and it really didn't seem like it was ever going to get done since it looked as if it wasn't going anywhere.
Wizard101, Runescape and More
Sparky that I finally leveled up to adult. Really enjoy having him along side my diviner. |
Wizard vs Real Life
Here is what I worked on in wizard: Grace's garden, which contains about 7 pink dandelion & 1 silver trumpet vine. She is currently the only one of my characters that I'm doing a garden for right now because of my limited time online. I also worked on leveling up some of my baby pets because I want them to be adults so that one day I'll be able to add them to the list of pets X & Z have on here that can be hatched with. Right now I have a satyr & a fierce hound as adults & am currently working on my pet rock which is in it's teens right now. When I run out of energy for that then I can usually be found running around on Christina (my ice char) working on her quests, which currently has her in Knights Court (I think that's the name. I know it's knights something) in MB.
Random Screenies of drops by Zaolan.
I’ll post those here in a second but X and I are hard at work also on trying to spruce this place up, since we’re now paying for our domain. We’ll probably set up a few pages of all the drops we’ve personally made and hopefully get around to updating our pet page as well in case some of you wizards are in need of a specific pet hatch. We also are wanting to add a few other things for this place to make it unique and interesting but that will have to be talked about at a later time since we’re wanting to get it all set up first before really going to say “The new and improved Stormy skies!” Etc.
Who knew..
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