Been mainly sticking to questing on the Myth Twins, and they finally made it to the Ravens in Grizzleheim. Only took three days of nothing but more questing in GH. And guess just how many levels they upped the entire time?? They went from level 45 to dundundunnnnnnnn...45. Yep. All that questing, added up to nothing.
That is the ONLY thing I hate about GH. But, I can't complain too much, since KI specifically said that they made GH as a side world anyway, just something to do when you don't feel like doing what you have been doing. Which is the same redundant questing, if you're working on your third GM anyway. Lol.
However, I have finally managed (with Kash's help of course) to level up Ryan's faithful dragon, Princess Madison, the friendly dragon to ancient. First pet EVER for me to level up past adult. Most likely she will be my first ever Epic pet. She is awesome. I love her. I seriously doubt I will even use her Orthus (when she gets it) unless it produces as good stats as Madison.
Here, is her pic. Click on the picture to make it bigger. :)

Well, I'm off to play some more in Dragonspyre. Trying to get the twins to level 48, and then to GM before Celestia arrives!
That is the ONLY thing I hate about GH. But, I can't complain too much, since KI specifically said that they made GH as a side world anyway, just something to do when you don't feel like doing what you have been doing. Which is the same redundant questing, if you're working on your third GM anyway. Lol.
However, I have finally managed (with Kash's help of course) to level up Ryan's faithful dragon, Princess Madison, the friendly dragon to ancient. First pet EVER for me to level up past adult. Most likely she will be my first ever Epic pet. She is awesome. I love her. I seriously doubt I will even use her Orthus (when she gets it) unless it produces as good stats as Madison.
Here, is her pic. Click on the picture to make it bigger. :)

Well, I'm off to play some more in Dragonspyre. Trying to get the twins to level 48, and then to GM before Celestia arrives!