Merry Christmas to all of you wizards out there that celebrate it, as well as Happy early Kwanzaa to those of you that celebrate that as well, if any of you do.
With that said, Xinaed and I have been pretty much MIA for a while due to circumstances thrown our way, but, we've been on and off again on the spiral for a few days, and guess what? We finally finished Celestia. Yeah, we have sort of already finished it before our hiatus, minus the Trial of Spheres but, we finally finished that now as well. We were pretty excited to get that out of the way. Now onto gardening? Leveling up other characters, and finishing our crafting quests. That and most likely farming ToS a few times to see what we can get. It's simple enough after we understood what we needed to do for each floor.
Here are a few pictures that Xinaed took while we were doing ToS I believe it was yesterday for the second time. Hope all of you are having a great and happy holiday. We're trying to enjoy everything that we have at the moment ourselves. Both of us are having a white christmas for the first time. :)
Happy playing to you all.

With that said, Xinaed and I have been pretty much MIA for a while due to circumstances thrown our way, but, we've been on and off again on the spiral for a few days, and guess what? We finally finished Celestia. Yeah, we have sort of already finished it before our hiatus, minus the Trial of Spheres but, we finally finished that now as well. We were pretty excited to get that out of the way. Now onto gardening? Leveling up other characters, and finishing our crafting quests. That and most likely farming ToS a few times to see what we can get. It's simple enough after we understood what we needed to do for each floor.
Here are a few pictures that Xinaed took while we were doing ToS I believe it was yesterday for the second time. Hope all of you are having a great and happy holiday. We're trying to enjoy everything that we have at the moment ourselves. Both of us are having a white christmas for the first time. :)
Happy playing to you all.