First off I want to say that I am sorry for all those that are suffering due to the storms devastation. We were lucky here but only barely, and for this I am very thankful.
Second I want to say I am thankful for #Twizards out there, because you all rock, and make this community awesome. I am sorry that some of you are being used as a way to make someone elses blog look good. I just hope that they stop, and if they ever copy anything from myself or Z, or even Grace, you can bet I will be pressing that button at the top of their blog that says "report abuse" and follow the prompt all the way to copyright violation. It's pretty sad they are doing this because they are "too lazy" their words, not mine, to post their own work.
Thirdly, I will talk about Wintertusk. Am definitely loving the world, the land and the story line. However, playing on TR only makes me sad, because I have two items on TR that I would love to have in LR but can't afford to have. That is the life amulet, for Kieran, and the lifeforce blade, for Kieran as well. I also bought some mega snacks to see possible talents my Spineyfish will manifest. Oh how I wish! It's going to take me forever to get him to Epic LOL. I probably wont get it done until well after my subscription to Wizard101 has expired, eek. That is for sure. Not to mention, I don't want to get bored of the world before I get to play it on Live.