Not too much to blog about on my behalf minus the issues yesterday but moving on from that specific situation X and myself have been farming a bit and since for whatever reason – my print screen hasn’t been wanting to work for me. I did, however, find four screenies that made it through from a while back in march to recent whether on Tristan or one of my other chars. So, that’s good. Most of the farming has been at the Jade Oni to try and get as many holiday drops as possible, and also the most illusive Jade Oni pet for myself.
I’ll post those here in a second but X and I are hard at work also on trying to spruce this place up, since we’re now paying for our domain. We’ll probably set up a few pages of all the drops we’ve personally made and hopefully get around to updating our pet page as well in case some of you wizards are in need of a specific pet hatch. We also are wanting to add a few other things for this place to make it unique and interesting but that will have to be talked about at a later time since we’re wanting to get it all set up first before really going to say “The new and improved Stormy skies!” Etc.
On another note, after having won the permanent koi mounts, I personally won the $20 gift card from
Rogue Sorcerer and I’m feeling quite blessed about that since we work hard for our crowns X and myself, since we’re pretty much on a day to day basis. Crowns can be quite expensive but with that said, Thank you to him, I’m very appreciative for the card and just email me or DM me or something for when you get the actual card.
Without further ado here are the screenies.
Sea turtle drop from storm fist. Woo! |
Spring Bunny Scepter. Yay Easter Drop from Jade Oni. |
Wand of Wealth from Jade Oni. |
Staff of the Crimson Heart from Jade Oni. |
Stay safe Wizard-lings. o.O Don't ask.
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